The importance of studying different muscle groups in ALS

- Posted by admin in English

A couple of days ago, I complained about the lack of publications on ALS metabolism in skeletal muscles, which represent only a tiny fraction of the huge number of ALS (mostly useless) publications.

Here is one article describing the evolution of the masseter muscle, one of the muscles of mastication, during the disease course in a SOD1 mice model. Why study the masseter muscle in ALS? Because it is one of the few skeletal muscles that is not affected by the disease. enter image description here The authors observed that, despite a decrease in limb motor functions, the feeding function of these mice was preserved until the late stages of the disease. Remarkably, the masseter muscle showed no reduction in muscle volume, wet weight, or muscle fiber cross-sectional area. Furthermore, no changes were observed in muscle fiber types, indicating a possible resistance of the masseter muscle to ALS-induced impairment. A potential reason for the lack of atrophy in the masseter muscle could be its higher number of muscle satellite cells compared to that of the gastrocnemius muscle. This abundance may promote the maintenance of muscle fiber nuclei, thereby contributing to muscle tissue regeneration.

What they are saying in the background is: * Something is stressing the skeletal muscles in ALS, which looks quite a reasonable assumption to me. * Maybe it would be possible to design an ALS therapy targeting muscle satellite cells. This looks less likely to me.

While the authors promote the idea that the disease may, at least partly, start in muscles, I can't help myself thinking that maybe the reason it is preserved is simply that this muscle (as for eye movements) is activated by the trigeminal nerve which is usually preserved in ALS.

It seems to me that in spinal ALS, the longer motoneurones fail early (hands, feet) and the shorter ones survive longer. Indeed in bulbar ALS, the situation is reversed, but ALS mice models attempt only to model spinal ALS. So in my opinion, the authors should have considered that the lack of wasting of mice's masseter muscle may stem from a still functioning trigeminal nerve.

Trial designs for motor neuron disease in the 21st century

- Posted by admin in English

We previously reported that Memantine was found ineffective in an ALS clinical trial for the fifth time. Several articles about persistent failure in ALS clinical trials appeared in the last issue of The Lancet Journal.

Trial designs for motor neuron disease in the 21st century

A new era of drug discovery for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Scientists attribute Memantine's (and the many other drugs that were tried) lack of efficacy to the "complexity of the pathophysiological mechanisms."

In simpler words, they have no idea why it failed, yet it was tested for the fifth time in ALS, so in a rational world, they should, on the contrary, have expected it to fail. In addition, no pre-clinical studies have shown any special value of Memantine in ALS.

And it's not only about Memantine, hundreds of drugs with dozens of different mechanisms of action have been trialed in ALS, as well as in other neurodegenerative diseases. For example, in the same journal issue, there are the results of the ROCK-ALS phase II clinical trial which has a purported mechanism of action entirely different from the usual suspects (glutamate excitotoxicity, impaired proteostasis, autophagy, and neuroinflammation).

Clearly, scientists know nearly nothing about these diseases, otherwise, they would concentrate their efforts on specific drugs.

It is time to reconsider century-old and unquestioned assumptions about these diseases. What makes ALS patients die? Skeletal muscle wasting which leads to respiratory failure. Efforts should concentrate in this direction. We also know that ALS is not always a death sentence, for example Stephen Hawking lived 76 years and 55 years with the disease. We know that a BMI in the 27 range helps for survivability, yet publications on ALS metabolism in skeletal muscles represent only a tiny fraction of the huge amount of ALS publications. In 2023 there were only 23 publications on this topic, versus 2507 publications on ALS.

Why this situation? Laboratories and CRO are not organized to study whole-body mechanisms in large mammals. It would cost a lot, universities and biotech prefer to work on small rodents or even worse on immortalized cell lines.

There is also the question of the time span, most studies are conducted within 6 months, or even two months, because students are used as a cheap workforce. You can't detect any statistically meaningful clinical change in neurodegenerative diseases in two months.

Studies must last at least one year and use large mammals, if possible mammals which have a corticospinal tract similar to ours, with direct connection between upper and lower motor neurons for fine control of skeletal muscles such as in hands..

A recent publication poses a question that has become increasingly pressing in the face of numerous unsuccessful trials for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. "Why is the treatment and management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis so difficult?"

The article suggests that when a phase II clinical trial succeeds while its phase III trial fails, it's because they have a different profile of patient population.

The authors argue that because they recruit fewer patients, the characteristics of patients enrolled in phase II trials are more homogeneous than those in phase III trials, which aim to recruit hundreds of participants. This is contrary to what statistics teaches.

I also find this hypothesis unlikely, given the constraints on patient recruitment and the sensitivity of principal investigators to the fragility of ALS diagnoses and the variability of patient phenotypes.

The authors also propose specifically that edaravone and Relyvrio (AMX0035) phase II studies yielded better results than their phase III studies. However, the phase II trials for these two drugs did not provide clear evidence of a therapeutic benefit, only showing marginal improvements in the ALSFR-R criterion, which is known to be influenced by non-medical factors such as access to better equipment. Relyvrio/AMX0035 in particuliar benefited from the intense pressure by ALS organisations. It should be noted that one of these organisations would have financially greatly benefited in a market authorization.

Furthermore, post-hoc analyses, which are often favored by drug manufacturers, are statistically unreliable. It is too easy to select favorable results from a small sample and attribute them to a common characteristic, which is why large-scale clinical trials are necessary.

In my opinion, it is time to recognize that we are on the wrong track in relying on molecular biology experts to develop treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. The current pharmacological approach is heavily influenced by our understanding of communicable diseases, where identifying the pathogen and suppressing it can lead to recovery. Molecular biology is conceptually far removed from medicine, as it ignores cellular mechanisms, tissue-level interactions, physiological systems, and the complex interplay between organs.

I believe that we would be better served by acknowledging that neurodegenerative diseases are the result of a complex interplay of factors, including a patient's medical history, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. Each patient over the age of 50 likely has a unique combination of age-related neurological diseases, with some having a history of strokes, high-intensity sports, environmental toxins, or head trauma. Some may have also had a history of substance abuse or smoking.

In summary, I believe that neurodegenerative diseases are the result of a complex interplay of factors in a patient's history, rather than a single molecular event. Therefore, funding for most molecular biology efforts should be gradually shifted to regenerative medicine, which addresses the restoration of damaged tissues and organs.

Methylcobalamin Authorized in Japan for ALS

- Posted by admin in English

Vitamin B12 injections are sometimes proposed by neurologists to ALS patients. Patients often decide to start the treatment because of the perceived low risk of side effects and the potential benefit to their quality of life. It is typically shipped as a sealed frozen package with several vials containing a 25-mg injectable dose. Patients are typically advised to inject 50 mg of B12 daily, which is 100 times the daily recommended dose. Usually, ALS patients recognize some benefits from the injections, such as increased energy, reduced fatigue, and improved balance. However, the high cost of injection, lack of insurance coverage, and inconsistent syringes are significant challenges faced by patients.

High-dose methylcobalamin treatment involves intramuscular injection of 25mg to 50mg of methylcobalamin twice a week, which is 50 to 100 times the dose of existing drug injections.

A phase II/III clinical trial for ALS patients was started in Japan, and the results were published in 2019. 373 ALS patients who had been onset for less than 3 years were recruited for a methylcobalamin clinical trial with three branches where patients have daily administrated 50mg, 25mg, or a placebo. It was conducted over 3.5 years. As a result, the methylcobalamin group showed a tendency to show better results in terms of the decline in ALSFRS-R, but the difference was not significant, and overall efficacy could not be demonstrated to Japanese authorities.

However, when a subanalysis was conducted only for patients who were enrolled within 12 months of onset (close to diagnostic), the 50 mg group, the 25 mg group, and the placebo group showed less decline in ALSFRS-R and a longer time to the primary endpoint. Post-analysis is frowned on because in small groups there are always statistical flukes and it's easy to cherry-pick some of these to prove whatever. But here the size of the trial was a bit larger than usual so there was more confidence in the findings.

The difference in decline in ALSFRS-R between the 50 mg group and the placebo group was statistically significant. Based on these results, a clinical trial (JETALS trial) was conducted in 2017 to confirm the reproducibility of the subanalysis, and the results were announced in May 2022. Results were reported on this blog.

In the JETALS study, 130 ALS patients within 12 months of onset were recruited and assigned to a twice-weekly 50 mg group or a placebo group. As a result, the reduction in ALSFRS-R score at 16 weeks was −2.66 in the methylcobalamin 50 mg group and −4.63 in the placebo group, which was significantly better in the active drug group.

There was no difference in side effects of the drug between placebo or methylcobalamin-treated participants. There was a marked reduction in serum homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is neurotoxic and has been associated with ALS cases but also with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It may be a byproduct of methionine metabolism and there are a few studies that discuss the influence of diet on homocysteine via methionine in diet. High levels of methionine can be found in eggs, meat, and fish; sesame seeds, Brazil nuts.

These results are better than most previous drug results in ALS, but indeed it does not stop the disease progression. Based on these results, it was announced in January 2024 that a new drug application for methylcobalamin had been submitted in Japan.

Eisai Co. announced last week that it has obtained manufacturing and marketing authorization approval for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) treatment “Rozebalamin® for Injection 25 mg” (mecobalamin) in Japan as a treatment for slowing progression of functional impairment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

It should be noted that although there were statistically significant reductions in ALSFRS-R, other measures such as muscle strength, forced vital capacity, and the ALSAQ-40 total score, were not changed. This is a bit confusing as ALSFRS-R and ALSAQ-40 while not identical are similar enough, ALSAQ-40 adds a well-being dimension to the usual questionnaire. How could ALSFRS-R show an improvement if it's not reflected in ALSAQ-40?

As UK's Alsa-Mnd remarks, as the drug was only tested on participants early in the disease process, it is unclear if the treatment would be appropriate for participants with more advanced diseases.

In addition, Alsa-Mnd says it may not have been a truly blinded trial as methylcobalamin treatment results in a marked change in urine color which could mean that participants may have known whether they were receiving a placebo or methylcobalamin, and that could have influenced results (including a potential “nocebo” effect). This is supported by the fact that the placebo group appeared to worsen their rate of disease progression once the trial commenced.

It's possible that regulation agencies are afraid of the considerable political pressure from patient organizations who accuse them of being inactive, and that as for Alzheimer's disease and (temporarily) for AMX0035/Relyvrio they prefer to authorize new drugs even if they are ineffective, instead of waiting decades for an effective drug.

Memantine trial is unsuccessful again in ALS

- Posted by admin in English

If our readers do not belong to academic or pharmaceutical circles, they certainly think that rationality guides the choice of drugs tested in clinical trials. They also certainly think a drug is tested in a clinical trial only if pre-clinical works show a strong signal of efficacy in the targeted disease.

We live in a human, imperfect world, but sometimes it borders on stupidity. Let's discuss the case of memantine. It's a drug that has been known for 60 years. It was bizarrely applied to a large variety of mostly unrelated diseases, like diabetes, OCD, autism, depression, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's diseases as well as COVID-19.

In all these cases it had consistently shown it was ineffective. If one is especially interested in ALS, it's interesting to note that there is no published preclinical work on memantine in ALS.

Yet there were 5 clinical trials of memantine in ALS!

The latest had just published its results/ enter image description here Two of them were phase III clinical trials, the others were phase II, so it cost probably $50M overall.

What is behind this strange behavior? Are we so irrational as a species to make repetitively so impressively huge mistakes?

One layperson may be troubled to learn that in ALS only, there were more than 500 unsuccessful clinical trials.

Every week academics are claiming to have made breakthroughs in neurodegenerative diseases. Obviously, most if not all of these claims were wrong.

It seems that academic and pharmaceutical scientists are just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks. Most of them are paid well at the end of the month for doing crappy work, so why bother working harder?

Jean-Pierre Le Rouzic (my email is at the bottom of the page)

Création d'un neurone moteur en laboratoire

- Posted by admin in Français

Ceci est un post très court à propos d'un développement d'une thérapie dans un lointain futur concernant les blessures voire le sectionnement de la moelle spinale, mais sur ce blog c’est ce que cela pourrait impliquer pour les patients ayant une SLA qui nous importe. enter image description here Si dans la SLA/Maladie de Charcot les neurones moteurs meurent (ce dont je ne suis pas sûr 1), alors la seule solution est de les remplacer. Pour l’instant c’est impossible pour au moins deux raisons : 1. Cela implique de recréer le faisceau cortico-spinal à l’intérieur de la colonne vertébrale. 2. Il n’est pas envisageable actuellement d’accéder simultanément à l’intérieur des multiples vertèbres qui composent la colonne vertébrale.

Un progrès concernant le premier point vient d’être accompli. Il s’agit de recréer in-vitro un neurone moteur et de diriger la croissance de son axone dans une direction préférentielle. enter image description here C’est un progrès conséquent de l’état de l’art. Par contre ce neurone moteur ne s’est pas connecté via des synapses à d’autres cellules comme d’autres neurones moteurs, des interneurones ou des cellules de fibres musculaires. Il ne s’agit que d’un seul neurone, très court, pas des milliers de neurones moteurs long jusqu'à un mètre, qui composent la moelle spinale. De plus des neurones qui ne seraient pas accompagnés par une multitude de cellules non-neuronales (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, etc..), mourraient rapidement. Enfin dans la moelle spinale il n’y a pas que des neurones moteurs.

On est donc loin d’un remplacement des neurones moteurs de la moelle spinale, mais c’est un progrès intéressant dans cette direction.

(1) Je crois qu'ils sont plutôt dans une sorte de stase cellulaire qu'on appelle "réponse au stress cellulaire". En tout cas plusieurs médicaments sont actuellement en cours de développement qui adressent ce stress cellulaire. Il y a aussi des cas de rémissions, au moins temporaires, qui sont inexplicables si les neurones moteurs meurent.

ALS et exercice physique

- Posted by admin in Français

S'il y a quelque chose de controversé à propos de la SLA (maladie de Charcot/Lou Gehrig), c'est la pratique d'une activité physique comme moyen de ralentir la progression de la maladie. Il y a quantité de témoignages contradictoires sur Internet. Cette confusion est engendrée par de multiples facteurs.

Le premier c'est peut-être que les médecins comme Charcot ont eu tort d'appeler d'un nom commun "SLA", un ensemble de maladies aux symptômes similaires. Au fur et à mesure de la progression de nos connaissances, et notamment face à l'absence de moyen de diagnostic indiscutable et après la découverte de multiples problèmes biologiques menant à ce type de maladie (mutations dans SOD1, FUS, C9orf72, TDP-43), agrégations de protéines malformés, diversité de phénotypes (spinal, bulbaire), durée de vie après diagnostic allant de 6 mois à 20 ans, les scientifiques auraient pu réviser cette catégorisation faite il y a 150 ans. enter image description here Il y a aussi quelque chose de fondamentalement contre-intuitif, voire obscène, dans l'idée que pour ralentir la progression d'une maladie caractérisée principalement par la perte intense de masse musculaire, il faudrait faire davantage d’exercice physique. Pourtant on sait que chez des sujets sains l'absence de mouvement pendant quelques jours à la suite d'un alitement, fait fondre spectaculairement la masse musculaire et qu'il faut des semaines pour retrouver le niveau antérieur de masse musculaire.

Plusieurs études ont documenté une incidence plus élevée et un diagnostic de la SLA à un âge plus précoce chez les athlètes de haut niveau. Plusieurs études ont suggéré que les personnes ayant un mode de vie actif et une masse grasse corporelle réduite ont un risque accru de développer la SLA. Il semble avéré qu'une activité physique fréquente et intense favorise l'apparition de la SLA, en particulier chez les patients ayant un contexte génotypique prédisposant comme l’expansion de C9ORF72.

Des études récentes ont tenté de répondre à cette question, pour comprendre si l’activité physique pouvait être considérée comme un facteur dans l’étiologie de la SLA. enter link description here

Un entraînement régulier d'intensité modérée réduit le stress oxydatif, diminue les niveaux de marqueurs inflammatoires chez les personnes âgées, aide à préserver la forme cardiovasculaire et la fonction cérébrale et protège les individus des effets négatifs du stress sur le vieillissement cellulaire.

Cependant, un entraînement physique intense génère des niveaux élevés de molécules réactives de l'oxygène (ROS) qui sont connues pour provoquer un stress oxydatif.

Les mitochondries sont le principal site de production de ROS, tout simplement parce que les mitochondries sont les organelles qui oxydent le glucose (il y a d'autres possibilités comme les lipides) qui a pu rentrer dans la cellule quand les récepteurs de celle-ci ont détecté la présence d'insuline dans le milieu intercellulaire. Le résultat de cette oxydation du glucose est une molécule nommée ATP, qui est une sorte de réservoir d'énergie qui est utilisé pour les différents processus interne à la cellule. Cette oxydation du glucose est un phénomène complexe qui produit des déchets dangereux, les fameuses espèces réactives de l'oxygène ROS, quand ils ne sont pas éliminés rapidement.

L'altération du métabolisme représente un événement précoce dans la SLA, il entraine une perte de poids et une masse grasse réduite, une altération de la gestion du glucose et des lipides et une augmentation des dépenses énergétiques au repos.

En conséquence, une teneur accrue en lipides alimentaires offre une neuroprotection et prolonge la survie, tandis que la restriction de l'apport calorique exacerbe les symptômes moteurs de la SLA.

Il a été largement démontré que la survie est meilleure chez les personnes ayant un IMC de l'ordre de 27 (surpoids). Il y a d'ailleurs sur ce site un calculateur de calorie pour personnes ayant la SLA:enter link description here

Bien entendu c'est un challenge extrême pour les malades de la SLA de manger davantage: Manque d'appétit, problèmes de déglutition, choix et attrait de nourritures de qualité alors que celles-ci doivent souvent être mixées.

Le passage du métabolisme vers l'utilisation des lipides précède la dénervation de la jonction neuromusculaire dans les modèles murins. Il est remarquable que l'administration de dichloroacétate (DCA), un acide organique halogéné, force le métabolisme vers l'oxydation du glucose, permet ainsi de contrebalancer le déséquilibre métabolique.

Au vu de ces résultats, on s'attend à ce que des exercices physiques spécifiques déplacent le métabolisme énergétique musculaire soit vers un modèle lipidique, en cas d'exercice de faible intensité, soit vers un métabolisme glycolytique, en cas d'exercice de haute intensité. Bien entendu un exercice de haute intensité est le plus souvent impossible pour un malade de la SLA, ce qui fait qu’une solution médicamenteuse serait un préalable à la tenue d’exercise.

Chez les patients atteints de SLA, divers protocoles d’entraînement ont été proposés pour évaluer leurs effets bénéfiques potentiels.

Plusieurs protocoles d'exercices ont été testés chez des patients atteints de SLA et des modèles murins de la maladie. Outre les effets neuroprotecteurs exercés par toute activité physique, les protocoles basés sur la natation ont montré les résultats les plus positifs chez les souris.

En particulier, le protocole basé sur la natation a entraîné une augmentation remarquable de la durée de vie (chez les souris), et était associé à des changements dans le métabolisme énergétique des muscles squelettiques. Bien que la natation soit suggérée comme un type d'exercice avantageux dans de nombreux troubles neurologiques, son rôle bénéfique n'a pas encore été validé expérimentalement chez les patients atteints de SLA.

Dans l'ensemble, l'entraînement en endurance avec un soutien supplémentaire tel que la ventilation ou le soutien calorique à un IMC de surpoids semble avoir des effets positifs sur la capacité respiratoire, la fonctionnalité et la performance physique chez les patients atteints de SLA.

Ces études indiquent malheureusement que si l’entraînement en résistance augmente la force, la puissance et la vigueur musculaires, cela ne ralentit pas la progression de la maladie.

ALS reversals and hydrogen for Parkinson's disease

- Posted by admin in English

After weeks after weeks of uninteresting publications in neurodegenerative diseases, two publications, at last, are a bit above the lot. enter image description here

Plateaus in ALS

The first article is about genetic analysis of cases of ALS reversal, or maybe it's not reversals but long duration plateaus in the disease course. As usual with the use of "reversal" word, Dr. Bedlack is involved.

He and his team found that in approximately 1% of patients, there is a plateau phase where the disease stops progressing for a long time. Studying those patients might teach new information. Bedlack and colleagues think they found that those patients have a different genetic code in areas related to insulin growth factor (IGF-1).

IGF-1 was tested in ALS a long time ago, and some interesting results were obtained. It was at a time were the criteria to judge if a clinical trial succeeded were much more stringent than today. Maybe it would be interesting to revisit these trials.

there is also the possibility that an IGF-1 therapy works with 1% of patients, but not with other patients.

Mitigating hydroxyl radicals and excess iron in Parkinson's disease

The other article is about the role of Iron in Parkinson's disease. Its writing style is not academic, yet the authors claim they were able to improve the state of disease in three Parkinson's patients by making them inhale (for one and a half hours!) a gas mixture containing hydrogen. They say hydrogen could dissolve in blood, reach the brain (it is a tiny molecule), and chelate unmetabolized iron.

The authors explain that when there are too many iron ions in the brain for ferritin to mitigate its oxidative effect, the iron ions are released into brain cells and mitochondria. Hydroxyl radicals (HO) with strong oxidizing power are produced, resulting in cellular and mitochondrial damage. In the views of the authors, hydrogen reacts with hydroxyl radicals resulting in water, so the toxicity of hydroxyl radicals is mitigated.

Yet it's not clear to me, why iron ion deposition results in hydroxyl radicals and what happens to iron after hydrogen reacts with hydroxyl radicals.

Iron toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases and aging has been suspected for a long time, yet all chelating drugs that were tried were unable to significantly change the course of the disease.

Excessive consumption of certain foods is not harmless.

- Posted by admin in English

On forums dedicated to ALS (Charcot/Lou Gehrig's disease), there are often messages from people asking if their symptoms are reminiscent of those of ALS. In general, the authors of these messages experience fasciculations, which when you don't know, is relatively disturbing (fasciculation anxiety syndrome).

Fasciculations are discrete, rapid, repetitive, painless, and localized muscle contractions of the limbs that often occur in isolation or can be associated with muscle cramps. When my uncle was affected by ALS, I briefly saw certain muscles in the thigh twitch, which was distressing. I suppose it was a psychological effect. In any case, fasciculations are not specific to ALS and should not be confused with the phenomenon of clonus. Skeletal muscle cramps are a distinct phenomenon characterized by sudden, involuntary, painful muscle contractions lasting from seconds to minutes and relieved by voluntary extension of the limbs.

The cramp-fasciculations syndrome, which combines these two phenomena, is a benign and usually short-lived disorder without the development of muscle weakness or atrophy. The syndrome is rare, affecting less than 1% of the population and more women than men.

Muscle cramps, fasciculations, and myokymia result from hyperexcitability of peripheral nerves. Muscle contractions and spasms occur in hypothyroid myopathy, and pregnancy can reveal various subclinical neuromuscular disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It can also be due to ingesting various foods or dietary supplements.

A recent study reports cases of transient diet-related cramp-fasciculations syndrome linked to excessive ingestion of monosodium glutamate or white lupin seeds. These cases illustrate the health hazards of some popular dietary practices.

The first group of patients experienced acute headaches, flushing, muscle stiffness, and fasciculations after consuming umami-flavored foods containing high concentrations of monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate has been used for over 100 years to flavor foods. Monosodium glutamate is harmless for human consumption as a flavor enhancer. However, it is prudent to limit its consumption to a few grams. enter image description here Source: Jean-Claude ECHARDOUR

The second group of patients consuming foods derived from lupin seeds developed acute cholinergic toxicity, the cramp-fasciculations syndrome, and, with chronic consumption, significant, self-limiting, but incompletely reversible deficits of the upper and lower motor neurons! White lupin is mainly used as an appetizer, but it is toxic, to prepare it it must be soaked in cold salted water, after cooking, for a week, changing the water twice a day. They are sold canned, vacuum-packed, or in brine.

While the symptoms appear to have been short-lived in both cases, this is not always the case. The medical literature describes a case, where a 28-year-old woman who had consumed 3 grams of lupin seeds per month for 8 years, presented symptoms very similar to ALS. Twenty months after stopping lupin seed ingestion (probably L. albus), she was neurologically stable but had pyramidal signs, weakness, and amyotrophy in all four extremities. Fasciculation was no longer present, dysarthria had improved, and dysphagia had resolved.

The death of motor neurons is one of the main pathological hallmarks of ALS, and the disease often starts at a small muscle and propagates to other muscles. Muscle denervation appears during the early stages of ALS pathogenesis, and it can be observed by electromyography. This denervation is the result of motor neuron degeneration, probably with a series of pathogenetic factors converging to create a toxic microenvironment. Yet some scientists are not so sure motor neurons die, they think they might simply enter a sort of frozen state to mitigate a stressful situation. This article belongs to a tiny circle as it tells that it's possible to partially reverse the disease and it presents a good mechanism of action, whereas most articles are extremely vague about ALS etiology.

Indeed, it is known that plastic events, such as synaptic plasticity, axonal sprouting, and morphological changes, within the spared motor neuron population can be responsible for compensatory adaptation after the loss of function caused by the neurotoxic removal of a spinal motor neuron subset. These spontaneous plastic changes are known to take place also in ALS models, but their ability to sustain motor function is transient and incapable of counteracting disease progression. Therefore, a therapeutic approach to manage the disease (but not cure it) should be capable of both improving plastic changes and supporting neuroprotection to slow down motor neuron degeneration.

In the authors' view, the use of a simplified in vivo model of motor neuron degeneration would help in the step-by-step dissection of ALS pathogenesis.

The authors used a specific toxin, CTB-Sap, to selectively kill certain motor neurons in the spinal cord by injecting a compound into muscles. CTB-Sap is a compound made by combining cholera toxin-B (which binds to neurons) with saporin (a toxin that kills cells). When injected into muscles, this compound is taken up by the synapses of the lower motor neurons that control those muscles. After the motor neurons take up CTB-Sap, it travels backward (retrograde) along the neuron to the cell body in the spinal cord. The saporin then kills the neuron.

It is a valuable tool for studying compensatory plastic changes, including synaptic plasticity, axonal sprouting, and other morphological and functional adaptations. The authors think that in ALS animal models, when motor neuron degeneration occurs progressively, the remaining cells may try to compensate for the motor deficits. It's when the progressive loss of motor neurons exceeds the compensatory capacity of the surviving cells, that the first signs of the disease appear.

Despite intensive research, it remains poorly understood why motor neurons are specifically targeted in ALS. As motor neurons and the skeletal muscle they control consume enormous amounts of energy, mitochondria use aerobic respiration to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used throughout the cell as a source of chemical energy. enter image description here Mitochondria are sort of microbes symbiotes of cells and like other microbes, they can divide or even fusion depending on the needs of the host cell. Several genes encode fission and fusion proteins: MFN1, MFN2, OPA1, DRP1 (Dynamin-Related Protein 1): This protein is essential for mitochondrial fission. MFF (Mitochondrial Fission Factor).

Several publications have associated abnormal mitochondrial dynamics with excessive mitochondrial fission predominantly mediated by the hyperactivation of the dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1). This cytosolic GTPase, is recruited to the outer mitochondrial membrane, where it assembles into a ring-like structure around the mitochondria, causing constriction and subsequent division. High levels of DRP1 trigger mitochondrial damage which causes insufficient ATP production, indeed fission and fusion events consume a lot of energy.

To prove that an abnormal fission (division) of mitochondria causes a motor neuron disease, it's necessary to show that in such a case inhibiting mitochondria restores some muscle function. Previous studies have proven that spontaneous motor recovery is possible sometimes after toxin administration. Yet these kinds of plastic changes are not enough to counteract the functional effects of the progressive motoneuron degeneration. The authors wanted to use a mitochondrial division inhibitor to prove that it's the mitochondrial division that is a cause of motor neuron disease.

Mdivi-1, a cell-permeable quinazolinone, is an inhibitor of DRP1, so it is capable of inhibiting the fission process by directly decreasing the GTPase enzymatic activity of DRP1. This results in neuroprotection in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. In an attempt to determine the therapeutic impact of Mdivi-1 after motor neuron loss, the scientists used the already established mouse CTB-Sap model which is characterized by up-regulation of DRP1, together with increased mitochondrial fission. They wanted to investigate if the administration of Mdivi-1 could be neuroprotective on damaged or stressed motor neurons, and whether it may promote spinal cord (SC) plasticity.

The drug was administered to the mouse model, a localized removal of spinal motor neurons was induced by injection of CTB-Sap in the calf muscle and it moved from the muscle to the lower motor neuron retrogradly. This simple model of selective motor neuron depletion allows the scientists to focus on the functional and molecular mechanisms of neuroplastic changes upon motor neuron removal.

As expected, a few days after CTB-Sap injection in the right calf muscle, all animals started to display an evident decline in the motor activity of the right back leg that reached a maximum during the first two weeks after the lesion. The observation of limb motion during free exploration of an open field revealed frequent curling of toes, loss of support, and foot-dragging. Motor deficits were accompanied (and caused by) the partial loss of motor neurons innervating the calf muscle and located in the lumbar region of the spinal cord, and the muscle denervation is confirmed by the presence of spontaneous electromyography activity in anesthetized mice.

This functional decline was followed by a spontaneous partial recovery during the experimental period and, as the scientists hypothesized, Mdivi-1 treatment was capable of reducing the early back leg deficit despite the presence of a slightly toxic effect of the drug, as demonstrated by the loss of body weight. The grid walk test confirmed the beneficial effects of treatment in the preservation of motor performance, although a spontaneous recovery (but slower) was seen also in untreated animals.

The beneficial effects of the Mdivi-1 drug were probably limited to some aspects of the motor activity, such as motor coordination, as suggested by clinical scoring and grid walk test results, whereas gait analysis was not able to efficiently reveal the effects of treatment.

However, the observed effects of treatment on motor coordination cannot be explained only by its action on the affected muscle, and a detailed mechanistic study of mitochondrial dynamics should include, for instance, the spinal cord, cerebellum, motor cortex, basal ganglia, and also some general aspects of metabolism.

The phenomena of motor neurons attempting to form new connections and adapt to new conditions in the tissue microenvironment in response to tissue damage or neuronal loss have been well documented in the literature. This process may increase in soma size and dendritic complexity of surviving motor neurons, which might be attributable to their active hunt for new synapses and increased synaptic efficacy. Therefore, the observed increase in motor neurons’ size only in Mdivi-1-treated mice may be proof of neuronal adaptation, promoted by the known activity of the drug onto mitochondrial dynamics, and likely involving motor neuron itself but also the whole sensorimotor spinal cord circuitry and supraspinal pathways.

The results of the present study have confirmed that the CTB-Sap model is a valid tool for research in motor neuron diseases, proving that compensatory plastic changes may take place after the removal of a spinal motor neuron subset. Moreover, it seems likely that treating this animal model with a drug known to inhibit mitochondrial fission may increase this intrinsic plastic capability and protect motor neurons from degeneration.

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